Our Trusted Development Finance Partner

At Brickflow they combine their extensive market knowledge, the best digital technology and the efficiency of a price comparison site, to provide a revolutionary new way to secure development finance.Here’s a bit more about the Brickflow process and how it works. A simple 3 Step process.
Step 2: Pre-app & Loan Approval
Complete a development appraisal, a property schedule, & your development experience, all online, and this information is sent directly & securely to your lender. The lender reviews your Pre-App and if they still like what they see, they provide us with a final loan quote and a list of information we need to provide to get the loan approved. Brickflow charges a commitment fee of £995, but this is refunded on completion or in the unlikely event that the loan isn’t approved.
Step 3: Loan Offer & Completion
The lender confirms credit approval and issues an offer, along with requests for any further documents. The lender’s Quantity Surveyor, valuer and lawyers will be instructed, and we move to completion as quickly as